How Your Donation Helps
Current: Drug Recovery Collection
Our current collection "Drug Recovery" benefits people living in drug recovery
houses and centers, as well as other other ex-addicts.
Donating $2,500 to Team XII, a drug recovery Nonprofit in Pasadena, CA
Donating 150 t-shirts to patients at Impact House recovery center after receiving a promotion from Disney star Kevin Chamberlin
Our team donating $1,552 to Impact House recovery center after our successful Recovery Runway fashion show
LA River Cleanup Collection
This was our last collection. Donations contribute to Los Angeles River cleanup efforts. The river
polluted/littered with debris and trash. Your donation will enable us to make clothing to raise
awareness for
this important Los Angeles river and provide tools and resources neccessary for attracting
volunteers to
participate in cleanup events.
Resolve Los Angeles volunteers helping at Friends of the LA River's (FoLAR) Earth Day cleanup event.
Homeless Collection
Your donations helped us fund this first collection that benefitted poverty and homelessness.
purchases provided funds which we used to purchase food, water, hygiene products, and other critical
for our local homeless shelter, Union Station.
Our team giving food and supplies to Union Station homeless shelter in Los Angeles County.
Recurring or One-Time Donation?
Either one works! You have the choice of making a one-time donation or a
donation which would benefit our progress with stable funding, allowing us to focus more on the
quality of
what we produce. Any donation amount is greatly appreciated and vital to our effort.
Resolve Los Angeles is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation and is in the process of
a tax-exempt organization. You can read more about our legal documentation and paperwork at: